

  • Developed specialized fork of Marlin 3D printer firmware and make upstream contributions
  • Diagnosed and fixed hardware faults in collaboration with hardware team on prototypes
  • Documented novel systems, testing procedures, and workflows, implementing the later to reduce developer friction
  • Integrated improvements across software stack and assisted in cleaning up of technical debt
  • Coordinate with global team members using handover reports, structured communications, and strategic meetings

Release Management | Comcast (via WIPRO) | Philadelphia, PA | Oct. 2019 – Dec. 2020

  • Analyzed metrics for large scale embedded Linux deployments using data science tools
  • Triaged firmware issues with data analysis and code change review to keep releases moving
  • Automated processes to simplify workflow, increasing throughput and enabling deeper analysis
  • Collaborated effectively with global team members for round-the-clock metrics monitoring

Developer | Visible Systems Corp | Boston, MA | Sept. 2018 – Dec. 2018

  • Modernized system architecture for serverless components, reducing costs and easing AI integration
  • Refactored undocumented code for maintainability, higher performance, and leveraging async over threads
  • Organized and wrote consistent documentation for product

Senior Engineer | IIOT-OXYS | Cambridge, MA | May 2017 – May 2018

  • Designed and deployed complete machine interlock safety system adhering to ISO and UL standards
  • Led development of a modular, scalable, IOT edge-analytics platform for structural monitoring
  • Utilized test driven design, and implemented style guides for maintainability
  • Integrated products with client software and performed on location installations


Print3rs | A Rust Successor to Printrun Utilities

  • Implemented cross-platform native handling for multi-protocol async device communication
  • Modularized components to be composable for easily building applications
  • Created idiomatic cross-platform command-line utility and flexible modern GUI
  • Leveraged reproducible environments, workspaces, and CI tooling to ease maintenance
  • Learned, implemented, and removed procedural macros, understanding their powers and drawbacks
  • Integrating with multiple Rust async ecosystems using compatibility crates and new async traits
  • Planning idiomatic C, C++, and Python bindings using automations to ease publishing and maintenance

Skyenet | Personal Web Services

  • Composed Docker/Podman nodes with scripted deployments onto heterogenous home hardware
  • Secured a public facing server with robust reverse proxy, configuring VPN and SSH tunneling
  • Hardened Linux installation on servers with tor for secure remote administration
  • Deployed services to local high availability cluster with distributed fault tolerant datastores
  • Setup and administrate multiple federate media sites, moderating users and integrating SSO

Hyperdome | Secure Counseling Platform

  • Presented a minimum viable server and graphical application from scratch in 24 hours
  • Designed modern federation-ready web APIs with both FastAPI and Axum server implementations
  • Received unanimous “Judges Choice Award” at Rocket.Build Community 2019 hackathon
  • Created multiple example clients demonstrating portable UI in Python and Rust, with Stem and Arti
  • Maintain project to ensure state of the art cryptography and security design

AppVault | Hardware Security Device

  • Managed project integrating electronics, embedded programming, cryptography, and VLSI
  • Researched and briefed team on secure design principals, standards, and strategies
  • Utilized existing open source security projects, maintained the project as fully open source
  • Implemented a novel security design which was trustable even in the case of a compromised host machine
  • Programmed a custom C bootloader to manage verification and decryption of embedded apps
  • Integrated an off-chip encryption engine utilizing resilient communications protocols


Email: contact@arades.dev

Social: @arades@skyenet.social


Security focused Computer engineer with 7+ years of experience from startup, to fortune 500, and open source in between.

My skillset is diverse, yet focused. My knowledge goes from circuits, to CPU architecture, firmare, up to GUI frameworks. I learn new things in-depth, often leading me to learn the next thing up or down the stack. That way I can be aware of how all the elements I make work together, and can be optimized. Never afraid to try on a new hat.

My personal goals are improving privacy and security in the technology people use every day, improving user experience of secure technologies, and adopting open source at every level. Striving to advance these goals both at work and in personal projects.


Rust Axum Iced Cargo C/C++ 11-23 GTest CMake Make Doxygen Python FastApi Pyqt Pytest Pandas Test Driven Design Distributed Systems Cryptography Double Ratchet MLS System Architecture Docker Podman Tor Electronics Soldering Simulation Testing Remote Collaboration Project Management Kanban Scrum KPIs


BS: Computer Engineering, Applied Mathematics Minor

Wentworth Institute of Technology, 2019

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